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City of Titans reaches goal in first week

City of Titans, the City of Heroes spiritual successor better known as The Phoenix Project, has already stormed past its initial crowdfunding goal of $320,000.

At time of writing the total raised so far was over $349,000 - very close to hitting the first of three stretch goals, with others to be announced if required. They probably will be, as the campaign has 27 days remaining.

"We have to earn your thanks. You’ve given us credit ahead of any possible reason, you’ve given us your promises. We have to deliver," project lead Chris "Warcabbit" Hare wrote in a Kickstarter update. "And we will."

Hare promised the next few days will bring updates on the game's characters, servers and planned infrastructure as well as videos.

"We all know that. MMOs take a long time to launch, and we’ll probably slip a deadline or two. We will get other things out to you sooner. Parts, bits and pieces that are fun on their own, that will integrate into the final game," he promised.

The first release will be the character generator, which is quite important; the flexibility of City of Heroes' character creation was one of its key selling points, and has rarely been rivalled.

The City of Titans Kickstarter launched last week, and it's not surprising its achieved its goal so quickly. The MMORPG's fanbase is vocal and passionate, and was deeply disappointed when rescue attempts failed to save Paragon Studios and the game it inherited from Cryptic.


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